St John Ambulance

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Application for Credit

Application for Credit

Business Details
Account Contact Details
1. Director Details
2 Director Details
Trade References

See 2. under T&C's for definition Trade references provided are businesses with whom I/We have a current credit facility and have been engaged in frequent trade with this business over a substantial period of time.

Credit Terms and Conditions

1. I/We certify that the information supplied in this application is true and correct.
2. I/We certify that trade references provided are businesses with whom I/We have a current credit facility and have been engaged in frequent trade with this business over a substantial period of time.
3. I/We understand that, if credit is granted by St John Ambulance Australia (Vic) Inc. (“St John”) the terms will be strictly 30 days from date of invoice. I/We undertake to effect settlement within these terms.
4. I/We understand that if the account becomes overdue it automatically is suspended (unless other arrangements are made and confirmed in writing by St John) until brought within trading terms. I/We further agree that St John has the right to charge overdue interest if an account is not paid by the due date.
5. I/We understand that St John may, at any time and without assigning any reason thereto, cancel or suspend any credit facility provided and I/We agree that St John will not be held responsible for any loss or damage caused by such cancellation or suspension and I/We further agree to indemnify St John for any claim which may arise from such cancellation or suspension.
6. I/We understand that notwithstanding that delivery may have been made, title in any products sold by St John shall not pass until full payment of the invoice for same and St John shall be entitled to an unpaid vendors lien on the goods until payment is received.
7. I/We undertake, on behalf of the customer, to abide by these conditions and acknowledge that I/We have read and understood such conditions of sale.