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How to do First Aid Kit Servicing

first aid in scrabble letters with first aid equipment on the table

It is critical that your workplace is fully equipped, prepared and ready to respond to a First Aid event at all times. This includes the nominated Workplace First Aiders completing accredited training and most importantly, access to a fully stocked and up-to-date First Aid Kit.

This helps go some way to ensuring your workplace is meeting the Code of Practice for First Aid in the workplace. However, it doesn’t stop there. To guarantee your workplace is ready to respond to a First Aid event you must regularly monitor and service your First Aid Kit to ensure your First Aider has the tools required to provide First Aid.

First Aid products expire with time, may have deteriorated or could have been tampered with. Everything in a kit, from gels, sprays Band-Aids, bandages and even gloves, expires eventually.  Without a regular servicing system in place, you may be jeopardising your Workplace First Aiders’ ability to provide First Aid in an emergency. If an employee, customer or visitor suffers from an injury onsite and your First Aid kit is not fully stocked with up-to-date and ready to use equipment, the First Aider may struggle to perform basic First Aid such as stemming the flow of blood, applying a sling or stopping the venom from a snakebite quickly spreading throughout the body.

Regular First Aid Kit servicing is simple and can be quick and cost-effective. Don’t let something as easy as this fall to the bottom of your list. Design and implement a service process for your Workplace First Aid Kit to ensure your workplace is ready to respond when the need for First Aid strikes.

Replenishing Your First Aid Kit

Purchasing a First Aid kit for your workplace is the first step to ensuring you are fulfilling your duty of care to your employees, customers and visitors. However, First Aid products can expire, may have been tampered with and of course, need to be replaced after use.

It’s important your Workplace First Aider implements a regular monitoring system to guarantee that the workplace First Aid kit is fully stocked and ready for use at all times. There are two options you can pursue to ensure your workplace First Aid kit is always at the ready – a Kit Servicing Agent or a Self-Service approach.

First Aid Kit Servicing

First Aid Kit servicing provides businesses with the confidence and reassurance that their First Aid kit is up-to-date, fitted with all necessary products and is compliant with the code. These services are designed to not only save time but to also save money for the business. Kit Servicing Agents are experts in the field and are able to quickly distinguish exactly what products are necessary in line with your workplace hazards. This saves your workplace time, stress and money by avoiding any unnecessary purchases.

Depending on how frequently you use your First Aid kit, Kit Servicing Agents can visit as often as every month, every quarter or biannually. A visit from a reputable First Aid Kit Servicing supplier will include the following:

  • A First Aid Kit Servicing Professional will come directly to your workplace to complete a First Aid risk assessment and assess your workplace First Aid kits needs
  • The security that all First Aid supplies meet OH&S regulations as well as any agreed additional items to meet your workplace needs
  • The guarantee that all items are in good condition, in line with the TGA standards. This includes the guarantee that products are well- within their expiry dates, have not deteriorated over time and have not been tampered with or damaged.
  • Re-stocking Services will also monitor whether your workplace First Aid kit is located in an easily accessible and obvious position and First Aid Kit signs are easily identifiable
  • General maintenance will also be completed, including the organisation of products, tidying, dusting and removal of any waste
  • The provision of a signed inventory list of your First Aid kits items
  • The application of a service label on the kit which will be updated with the date and sign off each time a service is completed
  • Regular reminders for when your workplace is due for a service and constant support


There is also the option of implementing a self-monitoring system which involves a nominated First Aider taking on the responsibility of consistently monitoring the workplace First Aid Kits.

Experienced First Aid Kit suppliers will provide a simple over the phone, email or online service where you’re nominated First Aider can identify and order the products needed. A reliable First Aid Kit supplier will deliver your products within 48 hours of submitting your purchase.

When self-monitoring your workplace First Aid kit you must:

  • Record an itemised list of your First Aid kits items to monitor what needs to be re-stocked
  • If you work in a high-risk workplace with the help of your supplier, create a list which includes the additional products that your supplier recommends for your workplace
  • Restock items as soon as they have been used
  • Monitor that items are usable, have not deteriorated, remain sealed and are within their expiry date
  • Decide on an inspection schedule that suits you, either fortnightly, monthly, quarterly or bi-annually
  • Ensure the kit does not contain medications such as paracetamol, EpiPens, etc – these should not be part of a workplace kit

Basic First Aid Kit Checklist

1 x 2230 Adhesive Strips hypo-allergenic, 50’s 1 x Non-adherent Dressing 10cm x 10cm
1 x  Bag resealable small 3 x Non-adherent Dressing 7.5cm x 10cm
1 x  Bag resealable medium 6 x Non-adherent Dressing 5cm x 5cm
1 x  Bag resealable large 1 x Notepad & Pencil in bag
1 x Bandage Compression Extra Firm 1 x Pen Ballpoint (black ink)
3 x Bandage Conforming Light 5cm 1 x Resuscitation Mask
3 x Bandage Conforming Light 7.5cm 1 x Safety Pins (assorted x 12)
1 x Combine Dressing 8 x Saline Steritube 15mL
1 x Emergency Accident Blanket 1 x Scissors Medical
1 x Emergency First Aid Book 2 x Splinter Probe (disposable)
4 x Eye Pad 10 x Swabs Antiseptic
1 x Forceps Pointed 12.5cm SS Sharp 10 x Swabs Iodine
5 x Gauze Swabs 7.5cm x 7.5cm x 5 1 x Tape hypo-allergenic
5 x Gloves Nitrile Large pair (disposable) 2 x Triangular Bandage 110cm x 110cm
5 x Hydro Gel sachets 3.5g 1 x 2090 Wound Dressing No. 14
1 x Instant Cold Pack 1 x 2091 Wound Dressing No. 15
1 x 343002 Sharps container 150ml  

First Aid events are unpredictable and often unavoidable. Although your workplace may do everything within its power to create a safe working environment for employees, customers and visitors there is always a chance that First Aid may be required. If an injury, onset of illness or health emergency does arise onsite it can be a very stressful environment. Access to the correct tools, equipment and a person who is trained in First Aid significantly reduces chaos and provides reassurance to all onsite.

It’s important that every workplace is meeting their duty of care requirements and is ready to provide First Aid when required. By simply implementing a regular maintenance system of your Workplace First Aid Kit you can guarantee if someone suffers an injury, workplace or health emergency they will be able to receive First Aid in the first initial moments, which we know in some cases can be critical.

First Aid Kit Service

St John First Aid Kit Servicing takes the hassle and stress out of maintaining your workplace first aid kits.

St John Medium First Aid Kit products on table in training venue

How to choose the right First Aid Kit for you

First aid kits can be a little daunting if you’re unfamiliar with what’s available. Will it have the right equipment, or enough of the right contents for me?

Read this article to find out how to pick a first aid kit based on your needs.

Guide to First Aid Kit Contents

Many of us know the importance of having a first aid kit, but in an emergency, do you know what items are in your kit and what they are for?

Read this handy guide to familiarise yourself with what's in your kit so you're ready in an emergency.