Helping those in sickness, distress, suffering or danger is core to our mission. As a proud volunteer-based organisation, we’re committed to saving lives – but we are self-funded. We receive limited government funding and rely on your support to help support our work in the community. Donate today.
You might be surprised to hear this, but St John Ambulance doesn’t get any recurrent funding from the government. That’s why your support makes such a difference.
It is incredible what children can achieve. They can be so strong and fearless. They can do things that even adults might not be capable of doing—if they know exactly what it is they have to do.
That’s what the First Aid in Schools Program is all about — equipping young people with the knowledge to provide first aid and save lives.
This program is delivered for free to Primary schools and kindergartens across the state and with your help, Victorian children will receive the vital knowledge and skills that can mean the difference between life and death.
A gift of $20 per month can train two children every month. That’s one classroom a year.
St John Ambulance volunteers need to be ready for everything.
It could involve providing first aid to a child after an accident. Or it could mean being first on the scene when someone goes into a cardiac arrest—performing CPR and keeping them alive until the paramedics arrive.
As you can imagine, this takes a huge amount of equipment — green uniform, radio, first aid kit, defibrillator, oxygen response kit and more. It also takes very intensive training to assist people in sickness, distress, suffering or danger.
Every year over 2,600 volunteers provide care to over 42,000 Victorians.
A gift of $200 helps purchase vital equipment that can mean the difference between life and death.
Last year 6,519 Victorians suffered a cardiac arrest outside of the hospital. Typically, less than 10% of cardiac arrest patients survive – an alarming statistic!
Patients who receive bystander CPR have a higher survival rate.
That’s why we travel the state teaching people how to perform CPR. Through our mobile CPRLab we are giving Victorians the skills, knowledge and confidence to respond in an emergency.
A gift of $480 will go towards the cost of deploying the CPRLab to locations across the state – making sure that everyone can learn this important skill.
Many people in our community find it difficult to get to places such as medical appointments, getting to events, visiting friends and family. This may be due to age, disability or a medical condition.
In many cases, these people want to be able to get around independently. But taxis are expensive and public transport is often not an option.
The community transport service allows these people to remain connected.
A gift of $286 helps recruit and train a new volunteer.
Donations of $2 or more to St John Ambulance Victoria are tax deductible - Deductible Gift Recipient Number 900426177